What on Earth am I here for?


  These are interesting times in which God has placed me, why now?

Do you wake each morning full of zeal and passion, purpose and direction and finish each day with fulfilment and contentment?

 Or do you ask yourself "What on earth am I here for?”

 If you are like many Christians, you love God and know Jesus as a personal friend, yet there is something missing; you know there is something more. You believe there is a purpose for your life, but you have not yet found it.   

 This book has been written as a tool to help you find your purpose and to help you to answer the question "What on Earth am I here for?”

It takes you on a journey of discovering the uniqueness of you; your passions, your assignment, your purpose and how important YOU are to God and His plans for humanity.

Did you ever consider that God designed you to link in with Jesus' assignment of restoring the whole earth? Here is your opportunity to find out how our purpose is tied to God's strategy for the transformation of society; a plan that we otherwise known as   the 7 Mountains of Influence.

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