What are the 7 Mountains?

The 7 mountains are 7 sectors in society that mold the way we think, that is our culture is shaped by these spheres or mountains. Society is changed/transformed through all 7 mountains. Economy, Family, Education, Spirituality, Media, Celebration & Government.  God has a strategy for transforming society; it is through the workplace ...........


The 7 Mountains History

In the book Making Jesus Lord by Loren Cunningham (YWAM, 1988, p. 134), Cunningham wrote:

“Sometimes God does something dramatic to get our attention. That’s what happened to me in 1975. My family and I were enjoying the peace and quiet of a borrowed cabin in the Colorado Rockies. .......


The 7 Mountains and You

The 7 Mountains AND Fulfilling Your God Given Assignment.  How are these 2 linked? Today there is a great awakening as Gods people are becoming aware that there is a mighty move of God in the workplace.  Men & women are becoming aware that their work is their God given assignment. ....


Which is My Mountain?

Many Christians are unsure of where they fit within this strategy.  Many people will be in more than one mountain eg A nursing home, or childcare centre can be very profitable businesses, however, the workers are motivated to care or educate. Another example .......


There is so much more.

This is just a little information to assist you in understanding the 7 mountains and how this strategy affects your life. Click below for more information.